AccessCal Provides Covid-19 Vaccine Registration Assistance

We at AccessCal have been working on the frontlines to ensure our community’s needs are being met during this challenging time. We have helped people with their EDD application, health coverage enrollment, rental assistance application and much more. With the vaccine rollout in Southern California, we knew individuals and families in our community would need help registering for the vaccine.

Many of the refugees and immigrants we serve have a limited command of the English language. They struggle to apply for government programs and services. We knew for all of us to move forward safely from this public health crisis, we all need to get vaccinated.

As part of our COVID-19 response efforts, we initiated a service to help individuals eligible for the vaccine, apply for their appointment. We rolled out an informational flyer across our digital channels and shared it with our clients. We started receiving many request from our clients.

When the vaccine was first rolled out for the elderly, our team assisted our elderly clients with their vaccine appointments. If an elderly client needed a ride to the vaccine site, we found volunteers to help them get there. Once the vaccine was opened up to individuals 16 years and older, we received a number of request and helped many of our clients’ sign-up to get their vaccine.

For anyone seeking assistance in making their vaccine appointment, email Nadia at

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