5th Annual Peace of Mind Conference

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our 5th Annual Peace of Mind Conference this past weekend!
Thank you to our incredible speakers – Dr. Marwa Azab, Dr. Almaas Shaikh, Tabari Zahir, Sheikh Yassir Fazaga, Dr. Sadiya Dhanani, and Dr. Metra Azar Salem who led powerful sessions on the topics of social anxiety, multigenerational impact of aging, addiction, approaching sensitive topics with our children, what happens when we neglect our mental health, and the childhood effect on our adult relationships. Thank you to Helen Marie Diaz who shared her inspiring story and poetry performances, and to Regis Saalfeld who got the audience energized and moving throughout the day.
Thank you to Orange County Health Care Agency, our sponsors, Master of Ceremonies – Noor Abdelaaty, staff, volunteers, Orange County Children’s Therapeutic Art Center, community based organizations that shared resources, and all those who attended.

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